Where to see David

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David has gained the reputation of being a playfully entertaining though very professional, passionate and informative speaker. No two talks are the same as he never does scripted events. His topics include tales from his worldwide travels, talks on birding in specific regions or countries, all aspects of urban birding plus talks on general wildlife.

He is also available for AGM’s, award ceremonies, after dinner speaking, multi-speaker events, workshops and festivals.

To book David to speak at your event email: enquiries[@]theurbanbirderworld.com


David Lindo has an easy manner that engages his audience, and his ‘How to be an Urban Birder’ talk provides perfect armchair birding, both informative and enjoyable.

Graham BellIndoor Programme Organiser
Mid-Nene RSPB Group
16 March 2020

David recently gave the February talk to the North Northumberland Bird Club. Speaking to an audience of eighty members he gave a talk which was fresh, informal and funny throughout.

Members were delighted to share the evening with him and left inspired to look for nature and bird-life in every corner of our county.

Richard PoyerChairman
North Northumberland Bird Club
29 February 2020

David Lindo’s talk was the best attended of the London Bird Club talks I have attended. We ran out of chairs and latecomers had to stand at the back and there was a worry we may have to turn people away. Lindo was at his best, a talk blending ornithology and autobiography, how an eight year old stumbled across birding and never looked back. Today the eight year old is an urban birding evangelist, exhorting us to wear our bins in public in crowded cities and to look up. Lindo’s talks are aimed at enthusing us about birds and reminding us about why birds are important for us, for wider environmental reasons as well as for our sanity. His talks are not to dazzle with scientific facts and pie charts and line graphs but for us to embrace wildlife and make it a part of our lives even if our wild patch is a little balcony with a few native plants and a bee hotel.

Gehan de Silva WijeyeratneChairman of the London Bird Club
24 February 2020

Thanks for making it one of the most memorable AGM/Members Days I think I’ve ever attended!

Amanda SpivackDirector of Fundraising & Development
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
22 October 2019

Thank you very much for your attendance at our AGM yesterday – your talk and guided walk went down really well and your presence meant we attracted a larger and more diverse more members than usual!

Emma ThompsonHead of Fundraising and Communications
Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust
20 October 2019

We had an absolutely excellent evening with David – please pass on to him our thanks for such an engaging, memorable and informative experience.

LucyYouth Manager
Surrey Docks Farm
22 October 2019